Fran Hughes lives in southern NJ.
She began her college studies in the field of Education, but changed her major while her two sons attended high school to pursue a life-long love of art. She attended Philadelphia College of Art, then transfered to and graduated from Glassboro State College, now known as Rowan University, with highest honors and a B.A. in Illustration. Although her credits include work for McGraw-Hill, Brooks/Cole Publishers, as well as New Jersey Outdoors and Health & You magazines, her fondness for children’s illustration has led to three books: Ruby's Peaches by Cindy Madara, and 2 books by Julie Wells - Inquisitive Ellis asks There's a frog in my throat? and Inquisitive Ellis asks Where's my funny bone? . The farm pieces you see in this display were a result of her observation of the steady disappearance, through development, of small family-run farms in south Jersey. |